Two PBS Kids videos recently arrived at our library, designed to offer education along with entertainment for pre-K children. Both are in DVD format and each may be borrowed for a four-week period.
Wild Kratts Creature Adventures (I.D. 2075) — The Kratt Brothers use amazing animal abilities to rescue their animal friends when they get into trouble. Each episode is a funny adventure that also features how animals use science in their natural lives, from meeting a draco lizard who uses the physics of gliding to the aardvark who takes us into geology as he digs holes for so many African animals. The disc features ten short segments on two discs for a total running time of 300 minutes.
Caillou’s Summer Vacation (I.D. 2074) — The learning elements in the Caillou series help children learn about travel, fun outdoor activities, nature and water adventures. The album comprises four short segments with a total running time of two hours: “Summer Time”, “Captain Caillou”, “Caillou the Explorer”, “All Wet!” The disc also contains a game, printable coloring pages, and resources for parents.
Submit all of your requests to the Video Lending Library.