Honored Educator: Lauren Smith

As a partner to the Pioneer Valley Awards for Excellence in Teaching, WGBY has committed to featuring outstanding educators from across our region.  Each honoree was nominated by a district administrator and has received an award for their contributions in the field of education.  In each of our bios, we will highlight an individual by sharing his/her thoughts on teaching.  Here is just one of the many talented individuals honored this year.

Name: Lauren Smith
School: West Springfield Middle School
Grade/Content Area: Physical Education

What is a favorite resource that you like to bring into your classroom to enrich a lesson?
“I think my enthusiasm and being a good role model are my favorite resources. I tell my students that I do everything that I am telling them to do!”

What is one of your most creative/successful lessons and how did it come together?
“When Harry Potter just came out, the first book, my colleagues and I came up with a form of Quidditch that was so fun and a great way to combine fitness and literature.”

What is one of the biggest rewards for you as a teacher?
“When I see my students out in the world as adults and they remember me and something we did together, that is a great reward.”

Congratulations Lauren!  Check back often to read more bios from the Pioneer Valley Awards for Excellence in Teaching.

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