The multimedia project, CYBERCHASE, shows kids that math is everywhere and everyone can be good at it! The series and supporting web games, lesson plans, and activities encourage kids to see, think, and do mathematics in their world. In addition to being tons of fun, shows and activities have been carefully designed to support math education and reflect the curriculum standards of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
At the Cyberchase site are lesson plans appropriate for grades 3-5 (or ages 8-11) to meet classroom and after school needs. For example, the lesson A Different Point of View addresses the NCTM Standard on geometry and is great for students returning from summer break. They’ll practice concentrating in the classroom as they observe, draw and identify the outline shapes of simple objects from different viewpoints and name the geometric shapes they see. As a result, they’ll grasp the lesson’s “Big Idea” that what they see depends on their point of view and that different people looking at the same objects can see them differently and disagree about what they are seeing.
Explore this award-winning, researched-based adventure series and website to find more lessons as well as games and other activities that help kids develop strong math and problem-solving skills!