From eSchool News: Common Core Report

From eSchool News, September 12, 2011 – “A new report from the Center on Education Policy finds that common core state standards in math and English language arts are moving closer to implementation at the district level in states that have adopted them. The study details districts’ views about the impact of the standards, and their progress and challenges in implementation. Fifty-seven percent or more of the districts in states that have adopted the common core standards agree the new standards in math and English language arts are more rigorous than those they are replacing. Moreover, district officials see relatively little resistance to the standards from parents, community members, and local educators, with only 10 percent of districts considering resistance from teachers and principals to be a major challenge, and just 5 percent experiencing resistance from parents and community members. The results are based on a nationally representative survey of school districts conducted in the winter and spring of 2011. All responses came from districts in the 44 states that had adopted the standards at the time of analysis. To date, 45 states and the District of Columbia have adopted the common core standards, which were released in June 2010 by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers.”  See the report here:

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