In case you missed an earlier post, we want to be sure that STEM teachers in grades 9-12 know about a unique research opportunity. They can help evaluate the effectiveness of a new online PBS TeacherLine graduate course, STEM417: Global Climate Change Education for High School, by serving as Control Teachers and earn a stipend while taking a PBS TeacherLine course of their choice without charge.
This research is supported by a NASA grant that has been awarded to PBS TeacherLine, which provides graduate-level, online courses for educators. As an incentive to participate, teachers will receive a $50 stipend for completing the evaluation instruments and for completing a PBS TeacherLine online course in science, math, or technology for high school this fall. Courses start October 26 with the course enrollment fee covered by the study. (Note: Control Teachers may not enroll in the STEM417.)
If interested, you can sign up at