Fellowship Program Information Meeting
Monday, October 24, 2011
4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
Marks Meadow (adjacent to Furcolo Hall)
Room 167
S2TLC is a five-year NSF-funded partnership of the University of Massachusetts Amherst, Greenfield, Holyoke, and Springfield public schools, the Mahar Regional school district and the Hitchcock Center. The project will build and support a community and pipeline of STEM educators that explore deep content knowledge, inquiry-based and culturally responsive practices, and the integration of technology in grades 6-12 mathematics and science classrooms. Face-to-face and virtual communities of practice are hallmarks of the project that will connect teachers in western Massachusetts during and beyond the project. Master Teaching Fellows are being recruited on the basis of their potential to assume leadership in the direction of highly successful collaborations among mathematics and science educators. Teaching Fellows will enter an accelerated program for their Master’s degree and licensure for teaching in a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics) field. Master Teaching Fellow (MTFs) candidates are successful grades 6-12 mathematics and science teachers from Springfield, Holyoke, Greenfield, or Mahar. To be eligible, MTFs must already have a Master’s degree and licensure to teach mathematics or science in their district. Teaching Fellows will be recruited on the basis of the equivalent of an undergraduate degree in one of the STEM areas and their commitment to working in high needs schools. Additional requirements may be found on the project website.