Award: Distinguished Fullbright Awards in Teaching

The Distinguished Fulbright Awards in Teaching program sends highly accomplished primary and secondary teachers from the U.S. abroad and brings international teachers to the U.S for a three to six month long program.

Participating countries in 2012-2013 are: Argentina, Finland, India, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, Singapore, South Africa, and the United Kingdom.

Maximum award: Program costs such as tuition, room and board, and transportation are covered by the grant; participants will receive a maintenance allowance designed to assist with the costs of food and lodging during the program. Distinguished Teachers will also have the opportunity to apply for professional development funds to support development and research, or cover the expenses of attending a conference or workshop related to their fields of teaching expertise.

Eligibility (for U.S. applicants): U.S. citizens who are employed full-time at an accredited school in the U.S. or its territories, hold a Master’s degree (or be enrolled in a Master’s program at the time the grant begins), and are in at least the fifth year of full-time teaching.

Deadline: December 15, 2011.

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