The 10 biggest ed-tech stories of 2011

Making “the XX best…” lists at the end of the year is a popular exercise and the educational field is no exception. The editors of E-School News have put together what, in their opinion, are the ten best stories relating to developments  in education technology during 2011. The ten subjects are varied and their comprehensive stories offer many practical solutions for overcoming budget limitations.

1. “Bring Your Own Device” spells salvation for budget-strapped schools.

2. A controversial Missouri law puts social media boundaries between teachers, students in the national spotlight.

3. Social media helps rewrite the rules of internet search.

4. The demise of federal ed-tech funding puts school technology programs at risk.

5. iPads help turbo-charge the digital textbook revolution.

6. Common Core standards change education practices in states from coast to coast.

7. Teachers use video podcasts to turn learning “upside-down”—with promising results.

8. A new spirit of labor-management collaboration helps drive important school reform.

9. The ACLU spurs changes in how schools use internet filtering software.

10. Research bolsters the case for 3D learning.

Read the entire article by clicking here.

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