Producers Need Your Help To Shape THE BOOK CLUB SHOW

The Book Club Show, currently in development at WNET New York, will be a compelling TV series about books that’s smart, provocative and refreshing. But what kind of show?…that’s where they need your help, advice, and suggestions.

The producers need to hear from you about your reading, TV and internet interests. They’ve developed a survey to get a sense of what you would want in a show that focuses on books and the people who read them. Your valuable input will inform the format and content of the show.  The Book Club Show Web site, which launched yesterday, will lead to the production of this public television series. They invite you to respond to the:

  • Survey: Exploratory questions giving feedback on how visitors interact with book clubs, television and digital media
  • Casting Call: A talent search for online content and TV series talent;
  • Blog Columns: The Club Column is the first of our columns, with author Diana Loevy (The Book Club Companion) answering questions from book club members.


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