For Parents: Helping with Homework

HomeworkAre you a parent struggling to get your kids through their homework each day?  Or maybe, you’re a teacher that has parents asking how to be more involved in their children’s education at home?  PBS Parents has a great “Going to School” section of their site that focuses on how parents can support classroom learning at home.

We’ve chosen to feature their tips on “Helping with Homework”.  Here are just a few ways parents can get involved at home:

  • Don’t take over your child’s projects. Teachers do not want parents doing their kids’ projects. Instead, they want parents to support their kids’ learning and make sure they have what they need to accomplish a task. Check with your child’s teacher for his policy and review it with your child.
  • Set up a good space to work. All children need the same thing: a clean, well-lit space. But keep in mind that each child may work differently; some will do their work at the kitchen table and others at their desks in their rooms.
  • Pay attention to your child’s rhythms and help him find the right time to begin his work. Some children will work best by doing homework right after school; others need a longer break and must run around before tackling the work. Most will need a snack. If your child does after-school activities, set a homework time before or after the activity, or after dinner. Whatever routine you choose, help your child stick to it.

For more ways to support children’s learning, visit PBS Parents.

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