PBS Kids partners with Virtual Pre-K to strengthen home-school connection

PBS KIDS, as part of the Ready To Learn Initiative has partnered with Virtual Pre-K and Chicago Public Schools to create an interactive program involving parents and teachers to build the home school connection and reinforce math skills for Pre-K.

All the activities you saw in the video above are happening here in Springfield.  As part of Ready To Learn: North End, WGBY is working with our local partners like Holyoke, Springfield, Chicopee Head Start, Square One, and others to bring technology into the classroom and into the community.  By pairing young children with our college-age digital ambassadors, we’re able to show kids that learning how to read and acquiring math skills is fun!  Also, we host drop-in hours at the North End Center for Literacy and Learning for parents to come and try the technology themselves and learn what kinds of things they can do with their child.  To find out about the drop-in program and other Ready to Learn events, visit the program calendar.

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