In our age of information where big data amasses at lightening speed, we need trusted sites for best resources. With summertime you can explore PBS LearningMedia’s library of 18,000+ prek-16 digital resources, where you can register, search, save and share for free, even creating class pages for students.
This month’s PBS LearningMedia picture well features world history with a lens aimed around the globe and back in time, bringing students to diverse historical moments:
Archeology (Grades 4 – 6) In a video segment from IdahoPTV’s D4K, an Egyptologist discusses the significance of objects found by Howard Carter in 1922 in King Tut’s tomb. Students see examples of artifacts and learn why tombs were important for Egyptian culture.
The Inspiration (Grades 6-12) In this video segment from the American Experience: “Freedom Riders” Web site, watch interviews and newsreel footage and see archival photos to learn how Mahatma Gandhi inspired and influenced those engaged in the U. S. struggle to end racial discrimination. Check out a preview the video segment here and follow the link to PBS LearningMedia for support resources:
Birth and Youth (Grades 6-12) This excerpt from “The Buddha” examines the spiritual stories about and early life of Siddhartha Gautama, born twenty-five hundred years ago in a fertile valley nestled along the border between India and Nepal.
Global Crisis (Grades 9-12) The end of World War II marks the end of Nazi Germany and the start of the Cold War; this video recounts the days and weeks after the war and the global crisis that emerged.
Many resources offer varied support materials such as background essays, discussion questions, study guides, learning objectives and related content.