Grant: NCTM 7-12 Classroom Research

NCTM: 7-12 Classroom Research Grants support and encourage classroom-based research in precollege mathematics education in collaboration with college or university mathematics educators. The research must be a significant collaborative effort involving a college or university mathematics educator (a mathematics education researcher or a teacher of mathematics learning, teaching, or curriculum) and one or more grades 7–12 classroom teachers.

The proposal may include, but is not restricted to, research on the following topics: curriculum development and implementation; involvement of at-risk or minority students; students’ thinking about a particular mathematics concept or set of concepts; connection of mathematics to other disciplines; focused learning and teaching of mathematics with embedded use of technology; and innovative assessment or evaluation strategies.

Maximum award: $6,000

Eligibility: current (as of October 15, 2011) Full Individual or E-Members of NCTM or those who teach at a school having a current (as of October 14, 2011) NCTM PreK-8 school Membership. The college or university mathematics educator must be a member of the NCTM.

Deadline: November 9, 2011

Note: WGBY is not affiliated with this grant making program; please content

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