PBS LearningMedia: Investigating Presidential Potential

We’ve been sharing classroom resources to help you tap into the energy of the election season.   The following resources from PBS LearningMedia allow students  to investigate the role, challenges, and triumphs of U.S. Presidents.  You’ll also find a variety of supporting materials to accompany these resources.

Abraham Lincoln, Attorney at Law  (Video and Discussion:  Grades 1-12) This  segment from the PBS series Looking for Lincoln invites your class to consider how an early career as a “prairie” lawyer prepared Lincoln for his presidential role as he developed his confidence, sense of fairness, and social skills.

President for a Day  (Interactive:  Grades 3-8)  This activity puts students in the Oval Office as they make decisions about meeting with Cabinet members, making speeches to the public, and even about how to handle a foreign crisis.

FDR: New Deal Program  (Video and Discussion:  Grades 9-12)  Give your students a view of the enormous hurdles faced by President Roosevelt during the Great Depression. See how the New Deal transformed the relationship between government and economy.

LBJ and the Great Society  (Video and Discussion:  Grades 9-12)  Through newsreel footage, archival photos, and interviews, students can explore the rich legacy of President Johnson’s “Great Society.” They’ll also see how the Vietnam War overwhelmed the historical moment.

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