Shakespeare Uncovered explores the complete plays of William Shakespeare. The PBS series looks at the stories that have shaped our cultural history: seeking out each play’s inspiration, finding the moments and places that set every scene, as well as examining the words that gave life to Shakespeare’s world both past and present.
This PBS LearningMedia thematic collection — which adheres to national learning standards — contains video segments from the series, informational texts, discussion questions, and suggestions for extension activities to enhance your students’ reading, viewing, and appreciation of Shakespeare’s works.
Here’s a sampling of the series of videos available for grades 8-12:
The Use of Soliloquy helps students learn what a soliloquy is and how it is used to reveal character and advance plot in stories.
The Globe Theater reveals the origins, unique characteristics and specific challenges of the famous theater.
Gender Roles in Shakespeare examines how gender impacts the characters in Macbeth and The Tempest.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Side of Shakespeare’s Characters explores how characters struggle with moral and ethical dilemmas and includes examples from The Tempest, Hamlet, Macbeth and Henry IV, Part One.