New PBS TeacherLine Spring Courses — Starting May 1st

PBS TeacherLine professional development offers graduate-level courses in a supportive, online environment that makes learning flexible and accessible. Join us for a new term beginning on Wednesday, May 1st that features a special lineup of courses designed to enhance your technology and teaching skills. Register today to reserve your spot.

You’ll find more than 80 high-quality, facilitated PBS TeacherLine online courses in reading and language arts, math, science, technology integration, instructional strategies/technology and STEM.  Here are just a few:

o   TECHNOLOGY: Leveraging Smart and Social Digital Media in the Classroom (TECH575)
Grades K-12 | 30 credit hours | Enroll Today

o   READING/LANGUAGE ARTS: Teaching Phonemic Awareness and Phonics (RDLA157)
Grades PreK-3 | 45 credit hours | Enroll Today

o   READING/LANGUAGE ARTS: Teaching Reading in the Content Areas (RDLA340)
Grades 3-12 | 30 credit hours | Enroll Today

o   MATH: Understanding Numbers and Operations: Addition and Subtraction (MATH250)
Grades PreK-3 | 30 credit hours | Enroll Today

o   NSTRUCTION: Teaching with Primary Sources from the Library of Congress (INST342)
Grades 3-12 | 45 credit hours | Enroll Today

Full Spring Catalog Common Core Alignment  • School & District SolutionsAnnual Schedule Grad Credit 

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