Transitioning to Digital Content: 3 Recommendations

DigitalContentBy staff writers, eSchool News, April 13, 2013 — As a concept, using digital content in the classroom is nothing new. But making the leap from using traditional print textbooks to fully integrating digital content in the classroom can be intimidating. During a webinar sponsored by the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA), some experienced digital content advocates shared how they implemented changes in their schools and districts.

In “Out of Print: Reimagining the K-12 Textbook,” a recent SETDA report, the group issued three recommendations to help school leaders and policy makers guide and implement the use of digital content:

  • Complete the shift from print-centric textbook adoption practices to digital resources within five years, beginning with the next major textbook adoption cycle
  •  Develop a vision and roadmap for completing the shift, eliminate unnecessary or ineffective policies and regulations, invest in infrastructure and devices, and ensure effective implementation of digital learning policies
  •  Ensure a vibrant marketplace for digital and open content

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