Multicultural Resources: Music, Society & Culture

As you begin summer, which we hope brings relaxation and inspiration, we think you’ll want to be on the lookout for classroom resources for fall.  Here are some features globefrom PBS LearningMedia to help students expand their cultural repertoire with music, society, and culture.

We Are the Music (Video Collection, Grades 3-4)  Music and dance sequences of 11 cultural groups who have settled in Santa Fe, New Mexico over the past 700 years, with performers and narrators of school-age

The Ukulele and Hawaiian Culture (Video Collection, Grades 6-12)  Compelling portrait of Jake Shimabukuro, an inspiring musician who has transformed previous notions of the instrument’s potential and reveals cultural and personal influences that have shaped the man and the musician

Stephen Kent (Video, Grades 6-13+)  Composer and musician who has been playing the didgeridoo, a traditional aboriginal instrument, for more than 25 years

 Native American Culture:  Cherokee Singer (Video, Grades 6-12) Teacher/singer performs a learning song and asks audience to sing in a call-and-response conversation (Part of the Native American Culture collection)

Ancestors Talk Through Drums (Video, Grades 6-12)  Fourth grader learns to play various styles of Afro-Caribbean drum music

Please comment here to share with our readers any of your multicultural resources for the classroom.

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