Does Research Support Flipped Learning?

flipped-classroom1We’ve shared other posts about the flipped classroom with you here  before, which ypu can find by searching “flipped classroom” on our blog.   Here’s a related article by Meris Stansbury, Associate Editor, eSchool News, on July 30, 2013 — “There is a lot of interest in “flipped learning”; the concept where classroom and homework roles are ‘flipped’. But is it working? Though quantitative and rigorous qualitative data on flipped learning is limited, a recent literature review based on teacher reports, course completion rates, and supported methodology research indicates that flipped learning is more than just a fad for bored teachers and students—it’s improving student achievement in classrooms across the country.”  This article goes on to examine recent studies, and lists the four pillars of Flipped Learning: Flexible Environments; Learning Culture; Intentional Content; Professional Educators.

Read the entire article by clicking here.

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