PBS TeacherLine Fall Term — Last Day to Register

imagesPBS TeacherLine offers online professional development from the convenience of wherever you and a computer happen to be.  At the same time you’ll become part of an  professional learning community.  As Jeannie Dyke, Reading Specialist at SY Jackson Elementary School, writes:  “My online discussion boards offer me contact with other colleagues to discuss ideas, problems, and means of implementation for the curriculum.”  And PBS TeacherLine’s well- trained and well-educated facilitators are there to assist should you be unfamiliar with maneuvering on the site.

While PBS TeacherLine’s fall term is underway, enrollment will remain open through Friday, 9/20/13. Your can review the catalog here or explore the featured courses below: 

Leveraging Smart & Social Digital Media (TECH 575)
K-12 | 30 Hours | Enroll Here 

Digital Tools for Innovative Learning (TECH 335)
K-12 | 30 Hours | Enroll Here 

Fundamentals of Virtual K-12 Teaching (TECH 570)
K-12 | 45 Hours | Enroll Here 

PBS TeacherLine offers 3, 15, 30, and 45-hour online professional development courses in science, reading, STEM, social studies, math, and instructional strategies/technology. For course details and additional information, visit today at www.pbs.org/teacherline.

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