“No one is born hating another person . . . if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love.” Nelson Mandela (1918-2013)
It is with sadness that we learn of Nelson Mandela’s passing. To have lived in the time of this great leader is a privilege, and to teach about his life and legacy can inspire students with his sacrifices, vision and achievements.
As the world responds to Nelson Mandela’s passing, FRONTLINE is making The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela — its definitive two-hour documentary film on the remarkable leader — available to watch online for the very first time at PBS Video. The film tells the intimate and surprising story of a Mandela few people knew: a bomb-throwing revolutionary who became a skilled politician in prison, and a passionate man who sacrificed the love of his life for a country that needed him more. At Frontline’s website, you can download the Viewers’ and Teachers’ Guide that accompanies the film.
Also, a lesson plan for grades 6-12, Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela: The Battle to End Apartheid is available at PBS LearningMedia. It includes video clips from the POV film that features the lives of 12 black South African exiles who left their home in 1960 to pursue educational opportunities, tell the world about the brutality of the apartheid system and raise support for the fledgling African National Congress (ANC) and its leader Nelson Mandela.