Appreciating Teachers Every Day

While we value and support teachers every day of the year, during Teacher Appreciation Week we extend a special “thank you” to all teachers who work every day to educate and enrich students’ lives and futures.  We hope you appreciate yourselves every day, but this week you might want to treat yourself to that mocha latte or to take more time for exercising or curling up with a favorite book, preferably both!  Professionally, it would also benefit you to learn more about some key topics facing educators today. Take Common Core, for example. What is it about Common Core that has everyone buzzing? Regardless of your view point, it’s a topic you need to know about as a teacher in today’s world of education.

In this video from New York PBS station Thirteen/WNET, you can learn how Common Core is present in our everyday lives and discover a creative new way to weave current events into your curriculum. Watch students in Lincroft, NJ read an assigned article from the New York Times or the Asbury Park Press. The students then write about and discuss the current events, using journalism as a unique platform to learn English language arts and social studies. Teachers incorporate Common Core literacy standards by using the New York Times Learning Network, an online blog and news site for grades 3-12. The main goals of infusing journalism into the classroom are to make students better critical thinkers and to foster life-long writing and presentation skills.

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