Lesson Plans from African American World

Produced by New York’s WNET in partnership with NPR, African American World is a site to explore African American history, art & culture, race & society, and more. It offers a wealth of classroom resources, including PBS lesson plans, as well as links to PBS Kids African American World. Here are just a few of the many PBS lesson plans and other resources you’ll find there:

The Time of the Lincolns:  Ivestigate the Lincoln-Douglas debates, abolition and religion, the Union’s “total war” tactics, and industrialization in antebellum America through these activity ideas.[ Grades 6-12 ]

Continental Harmony:  Music, Slavery and the Civil War:   Analyze the various forms of spirituals and the role of spirituals played during the period of slavery and the Civil War. [ Grades 3-8 ]

American Experience:  Scottsboro: Learn how the trial of nine black teenagers, falsely accused of rape by two white women, yield two momentous Supreme Court decisions and give birth to the Civil Rights Movement. [ Grades 9-12 ]

You can find more at African American World and/or visit PBS Kids African American World.

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