Educators work hard to nurture young peoples’ futures, but what happens when some of those futures are lives spent behind bars?
Does sentencing a teenager to life without parole serve our society well? On Wednesday, August 4 at 10pm, WGBY airs 15 to Life: Kenneth’s Story on POV, acclaimed Points of View documentary from TV’s longest-running showcase of independent nonfiction film. This story follows a boy’s struggle for redemption in a place that routinely condemns children to die in prison. The United States is the only country in the world that routinely does so.
One of those children, now a young man, is seeking a second chance in Florida. At age 15 Kenneth Young received four consecutive life sentences for a series of armed robberies. Imprisoned for more than a decade, he believed he would die behind bars. Now a U.S. Supreme Court decision could set him free. 15 to Life: Kenneth’s Story follows Young’s struggle for redemption, revealing a justice system with thousands of young people serving sentences intended for society’s most dangerous criminals.