PBS TeacherLine Fall Courses & Chance To Win In-Person PD

imagesPBS TeacherLine facilitated courses are designed to benefit beginning and experienced teachers in content areas that include science, reading, social studies, math, instructional strategies, and instructional technology.  The virtual learning format allows interaction with peers and experts while also providing a flexible schedule so you can complete coursework at a manageable pace.  Please remember to use the promo code WGBY when you enroll.  If you register by September 19, 2014, you’ll automatically be entered to win free in-person professional development training for your entire school.  Winners of the PD training will enjoy a half-day event exploring how to:

Inspire your students’ curiosity and expand their content knowledge with the use of blended learning and flipped classroom strategies
Incorporate high-quality, standards-aligned digital content
Discover how free tools like PBS LearningMedia can be used to drive innovation in your classroom

PBS TeacherLine offers a variety of facilitated and self-paced courses that span a variety of subjects and grades. Check out our selection of courses by clicking here.

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