American Graduate Day Along With A Collection of Resources

WGBY airs American Graduate Day 2014 this Saturday, September 27, from 11am-6pm.   The day will be anchored by “Stories of Champions,” a series of 14 one-minute profile pieces that celebrate the work of individuals and groups in local communities and around the country whose daily heroics help youth stay on the path to graduation.  PBS LearningMedia’s American Graduate Day resource collection is designed to extend the reach of the broadcast, mobilizing teachers, students, parents and community members to take action and help increase local graduation rates.  The collection on PBS LearningMedia currently includes 65 resources and will grow to 71 total resources by this November.

WGBY will include local messages from residents of the Springfield community during the broadcast of American Graduate Day, which showcases videos and interviews that reveal how organizations provide support, advice, and prevention and intervention services to at-risk students, families, and schools.  American Graduate Day is part of American Graduate:  Let’s Make It Happen — a public media initiative made possible by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting to help more kids stay on this path to graduation.


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