In addition to this new PBS series, Navy Seals – Their Untold Story, which airs tonight at 9pm on WGBY, we have many more compelling resources related to veterans. On Wednesday, November 12, at 8pm, A Call to Action: A Veterans Coming Home Special will be broadcast live from the WGBY studios to tackle difficult issues that face veterans and to provide much needed local resources. In honor of Veterans Day, PBS LearningMedia has classroom content about the Navy Seals and our country’s veterans. When you search “Veterans Day” (in quotes), you’ll find so many resources that you may want to filter them by grade, subject and/or media type. You can also check out new content from Navy Seals by searching “navy seals” (also in quotes). And please visit WGBY’s webpage on Veteran’s Coming Home to learn about available resources and support and to view compelling local stories from WGBY’s Connecting Point.