Making Global Connections

This video of Michelle Obama that we shared here almost a year ago continues to be relevant, especially during Geography Awareness Week beginning November 17.   Throughout the week PBS LearningMedia will showcase a series of resources focused around global literacy and diplomacy, including several whole collections.

U. S. Diplomacy:  Learn more about U.S diplomacy and foreign relations. Through documents, images, and lesson plans, and video footage, explore the different but complementary roles in diplomacy played by the President …

Wide Angle:  Window into Global History:  Drawing upon the powerful film resources of public television’s award-winning series of international documentaries, Wide Angle, this collection comprises …

Global Connections:  Learn about global events and history of the Middle East and Liberia.

 Commanding Heights:  The Battle for the World Economy:   Learn about the economic history of countries across the globe, and the influence of globalization with these resources from Commanding Heights.

You’ll also find many other global resources for grades K-12 at PBS LearningMedia.  For example, you can search any of the following titles by putting each in quotes:

Around the Globe: France | Various | K-12
Around the Globe: China | Various | K-12
Around the Globe: UK | Various | K-13+
Social Studies/History through Music/Dance | Various| K-13+
Global Learning and Awareness | Various | 6-13+
History of Geography | WPSU | 7-12
What Can You Do With Geography? | ZD Films | 7-13+
Migration Sensations | Faces of America | 9-12

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