Oppression & Human Dignity: A Path Appears with Many Resources

Tonight at 10pm WGBY airs A Path Appears from the team behind the groundbreaking Half the Sky.  Independent Lens goes to locations throughout the United States as well as Colombia, Haiti, and Kenya to uncover the harshest forms of gender-based oppression and human rights violations, and solutions being implemented to combat them.  Just as the film tries to educate oppressors, high school students can also learn

the dangers and threats to human dignity posed by this oppression.  At PBS LearningMedia you’ll find many resources from Independent Lens, including lesson plans with standards-based curricula and film modules that accompany Independent Lens films on a broad range of topics: immigration, civil rights, women?s rights, religion, the environment, and more.

You can also learn more about A Path Appears at the Independent Lens website.

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