I was privileged recently to present PBS resources to families and educators at Frederick Harris Elementary School in Springfield. I also shared the high level of trust many have in PBS, with parents and grandparents coming up to me later to say they were among those who held that trust.
This morning I learned that an independent, nationwide study has confirmed that PBS and its member stations are — for the 12th consecutive year — ranked first in trust among nationally known institutions and are called an “excellent” use of tax dollars by the American public. This same research showed that PBS KIDS is considered the safest place for children to watch television and the safest digital media destination, as well as the top provider of content that helps children learn reading, math and essential skills. Each year, PBS commissions research to measure its performance and value as judged by its most important stakeholder: the American public. The national poll was conducted in January 2015 by the independent, non-partisan research firm ORC International. Full results are available here.
To find trusted resources for children and families, you can go to PBS Kids, PBS Parents and PBS Kids LAB. PBS LearningMedia is also an important destination with 100,000 preK-13+ educator resources.