Inspiring Women: Harvard Scientist Pardis Sabeti

This video of Packard Fellow Dr. Pardis Sabeti is meant to serve as an introduction to this accomplished Harvard Scientist and the teaching resources about her and her work at PBS LearningMedia.  Students will relate to this young woman who has received numerous awards (just search her on You Tube) and, yes, also happens to be a rock musician.  In a short video adaptation from NOVA scienceNOW, students can view a profile of Sabeti’s life and learn how she developed a system to analyze genetic information through an evolutionary lens, providing new tools that may help eliminate some of the world’s deadliest diseases.  The video and accompanying resources at PBS LearningMedia reveal how in 2006, she developed a method for analyzing the human genome in search of genes that may have arisen through natural selection. Her method is now widely used today among geneticists and evolutionary biologists to better understand how genetic traits have evolved.

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