Even in the wilderness, growing up is not easy, and finding food, avoiding predators and making friends does not always come naturally. Young animals all over the world experience these trials as they prepare to leave home. For NATURE’S Animal Childhood, which premieres Wednesday, May 13 at 8:00pm, you’ll find accompanying resources as well as full NATURE episodes at the program’s website and still more at NATURE’s classroom site.
Also, when searching “baby animals” at PBS LearningMedia, I found 10 resources. You can do similar searches of your own related subjects (e.g., “animals” and “animal kingdom,”) and then filter/narrow results by grade, content area, etc. With such a search, I found Baby Animals from SciGirls and Animal Families, which provides strong comparisons within various family groups and is part of the KET Everyday Science for Preschoolers collection.