5/19/15 Online Training for Teachers on Youth Homelessness

In this excerpt from the Independent Lens documentary The Homestretch, which premiered in April, a homeless youth named Anthony talks about trying to get through school after sleeping on the streets.  Pat Scott, a Chicago school’s Homeless Liaison, talks about the list of homeless students with whom she works. Each name on the list “represents a person who’s going to be awesome someday.”

On Tuesday, May 19 at 3:00 pm, American Graduate and The Independent Television Service (ITVS) will host an online teacher training featuring The Homestretch.  The online training will provide teachers and administrators opportunities to  learn strategies for:
 challenging stereotypes surrounding youth homelessness
 developing administrator buy-in at the school and district level
 working in collaboration with service providers
 Chat with experts from National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAECHY)
 and National Center for Homeless Youth Education (NCHE)
 Learn about media resources available to help address youth homelessness in schools

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