In this excerpt from the Independent Lens documentary The Homestretch, which premiered in April, a homeless youth named Anthony talks about trying to get through school after sleeping on the streets. Pat Scott, a Chicago school’s Homeless Liaison, talks about the list of homeless students with whom she works. Each name on the list “represents a person who’s going to be awesome someday.”
On Tuesday, May 19 at 3:00 pm, American Graduate and The Independent Television Service (ITVS) will host an online teacher training featuring The Homestretch. The online training will provide teachers and administrators opportunities to learn strategies for:
challenging stereotypes surrounding youth homelessness
developing administrator buy-in at the school and district level
working in collaboration with service providers
Chat with experts from National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAECHY)
and National Center for Homeless Youth Education (NCHE)
Learn about media resources available to help address youth homelessness in schools
RSVP here.