Michelle Obama’s Trip to the United Kingdom & Italy for Let Girls Learn

This video captures time in March when Michelle Obama traveled to Japan to promote Let Girls Learn, a government-wide effort that will leverage the investments made and success achieved in global primary school and expand them to help adolescent girls complete their education.

From June 15-21 PBS will accompany Michelle Obama on her latest trip to the United Kingdom and Italy as she promotes her Let Girls Learn international education initiative to empower young women around the world as well as other important initiatives. PBS LearningMedia offers an exciting suite of resources on girls’ education issues, global learning and diplomacy in these two countries.  You can also have an insider look at each day of the trip, perfect for summer learners  looking to take a virtual trip overseas.  Here are resources about the trip and/or initiative that PBS LearningMedia has to share:

The First Lady’s Blog
Around the Globe: UK Collection
Around the Globe: Italy Collection
Girls Education Education

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