For those who remember Ken Burns’ iconic documentary The Civil War, it may seem surprising that the series was first broadcast 25 years ago. Aligning with the remastered edition of The Civil War, airing on WGBY September 7 – 11 at 9:00 pm, PBS LearningMedia offers resources, including the new lesson plan,
Civil War Music, that shows students how — both in the North and in the South — music was used extensively to rally troops and the public. (And you’ll see related lesson plans that accompany this lesson.)
Additional recommended Civil War resources:
Looking for Lincoln | WNET
Grades 1-12 | Collection: Explores the life and legacy of one of the most enigmatic presidents in U.S. history. This collection tells the story of Lincoln’s impact during a time of war and a country on the road to emancipation. Read more.
The Civil War | Crash Course
Grades 9-13+ | Video: Crash course on Civil War history with John Green as he examines the triggers that prompted war and the motivations that pushed civilians to take up arms. Read more.