Young New England cooks may have a special advantage when they submit their recipes to the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge since a regional focus, using locally grown items, will be extra special. We hope you’ll share Michelle Obama’s invitation to the fifth annual Healthy Lunchtime Challenge with kids ages 8-12. In collaboration with a parent or guardian, they can create an original lunch recipe that’s healthy, affordable, and tasty. As they follow the Challenge’s guidelines, kids can learn habits for a lifetime of healthy eating AND have a chance to win a trip to Washington, DC to attend the Kids’ “State Dinner” at the White House.
You can learn more about how students can become winning chefs and serve as healthy food ambassadors for their state plus find great classroom resources on food and nutrition. Just
click here for the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge and go to PBS LearningMedia for the Healthy Lunchtime Challenge resources and much more on nutrition that you can filter by grade, content and resource type.