Students’ bad habits can impede their learning and negatively impact class environments. Judson Brewer, MD, PhD, Director of Research at the Center for Mindfulness and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical School, gave this TEDMED talk, A simple way to break a bad habit, which is informed by his study of the relationship between mindfulness and addiction. In it, he asks whether we can break habits by being more curious about them.
Resources related to behavior in early care settings or in classrooms where, for example, texting is a problem can be found at
PBS LearningMedia:
The Whole Child | Early Care Providers: Helping Children Develop Self-Discipline and Self-Control
Wide Angle Youth Media: Textaholic
Digital Nation | The Digital You: Attention, Multitasking and Addiction
You can also watch Dr. Brewer’s talk at TED: Ideas Worth Spreading.