As you prepare for a new school year, this might be just the time to plan joining one or both of these PBS LearningMedia free webinars: 1) August 24, Engineering and Design Process: Real-World Classroom Resources for grades 4-12 2) August 30, Integrating Digital Content to Explore Real-World Problems in the Elementary Classroom.
The first webinar is an interactive presentation geared towards enhancing students’ understanding of the engineering design process and standards. In the second you can learn how Bobbi Starling, a 5th grade teacher and 2015 PBS Digital Innovator, is integrating digital content to provide her students with authentic, project-based learning experiences.
To learn more about August 24’s Engineering and Design Process: Real-World Classroom Resources for grades 4-12 and register, click here.
For Integrating Digital Content to Explore Real-World Problems in the Elementary Classroom on August 30, click here. (Note: Should you find my name and email already typed in, please just delete and add your own information.)