When UNESCO declared September 8 International World Literacy Day in 1965, it hoped to unite schools, communities, and organizations by raising awareness and increasing accessibility to education in developing nations. These images from READ Bangladesh show children whose lives are likely to be changed because of their access to education.
Many of us can attest to how the course of our lives have been influenced by receiving an education in our country. As Nicholas Kristoff writes in the Opinion Pages of the New York Times today, perhaps we can “say a quiet thanks to a teacher or aid worker who is giving kids the keys to unlock reading.” To support your work of giving the gift of literacy and learning to kids, PBS — devoted to life long learning — has resources that provide high-quality content to engage students and deepen their understanding. For example, when searching “literacy” at PBS LearningMedia, you’ll have access to over 1,000 preK-12 resources (e.g., video clips, lesson plans, interactives) that can be filtered by grade, content, and resource type.