As soon as I discovered this interview on PBS LearningMedia, I bookmarked it and finally was able to listen to this wise woman and children’s author. As Katherine Paterson — Newbery Medal and award-winning author of beloved books such as Bridge to Terabithia and Jacob Have I Loved — discusses her childhood and family, writing challenges, and favorite children’s books, she reveals her “understanding for the heart of a child,” words she uses to describe children’s literature.
PBS LearningMedia breaks the interview into shorter clips and provides support materials that include her biography, a book list and writing prompt. The interview is one of many resources on “books for children” at PBS LearningMedia. For Katherine Paterson’s interview and support materials, click here.
You’ll find other reading resources and inspiration when you check out Reading Rockets, an award-winning educational multimedia service of WETA in Washington, D. C., the second-largest producing station for public television.