This week, teachers can sign up for two free webinars led by PBS Digital Innovators, an impressive group of educators from across the country who receive one year of free professional development from PBS to foster and grow a community of tech-savvy educators. As a result of their professional development and already accomplished practices, these Digital Innovators serve as ambassadors for integrating best practices in digital learning in classrooms.
The first webinar, which is tonight, is led by Alice Chen from California and connected to local station PBS SoCaL and the second, on Thursday night, is by Adam Babcock from South Carolina and connected to local station SCETV. Here’s where you can learn more details and register:
- Teacher Webinar: Designing a 1:1 Classroom from the Group Up | Tuesday, October 25 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT | Register here
- Teacher Webinar: One-to-One in One, Two and… Years | Thursday, October 26 | 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EDT | Register here