Produced at WGBH in Boston, the ARTHUR series features engaging, emotional stories that explore issues faced by real kids. This fall, PBS KIDS longest running program celebrates 20 years of entertaining adults and children alike.
To celebrate, WGBH is offering classroom packs of Arthur coloring placemats to 20 PreK, Kindergarten or First grade teachers. To get a pack for your classroom,
- Visit the Arthur resources on PBS LearningMedia.
- Select and explore a resource that interests you.
- Post on our Facebook wall or Tweet WGBH with the link or name of the resource you selected, and a few words about how you’d use it.
- The first 20 responders will receive a pad of coloring placemats.
Whether or not you choose to respond, your classroom will win when you explore and use resources from the Arthur Collection at PBS LearningMedia.
I’d LOVE a class set of placements