#413Reads Looking for Photos — Share with Families their Chance to Win a $50 Pride Gift Card

Please spread the word — The #413Reads Campaign with Pride Stores wants to give families an opportunity to win a $50 Pride gift card when they submit a photo of family members reading together.  With families especially busy at this time of year, there’s a good chance for someone who submits a photo to win.

Taking just a few steps, families can share their photo, favorite book and time to read:  1.  First ensure that your post is set to public, which means that it can be seen by people other than Facebook friends.

2.  To set your post to “public,” click the audience drop-down menu — by default it’s set to “friends” —  which will open up audience sharing options.

3.  Switch from “friends” to “public” by clicking “public.”

4.  Share your photo.

Families can post their reading photo using #413reads on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.  They can also send their photo to Sally Fuller, Project Director at the Davis Foundation: sfuller@davisfdn.org….




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