CALL FOR ENTRIES: 2017 PBS Digital Innovators

This application video for Jesse Buetow (5th grade classroom teacher) for 2016 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovators at first might seem intimating to me if I were considering applying for the 2017 Digital Innovator Program.  But I’ve learned — through my professional development experiences as a teacher — to follow my instincts, forget expectations, and do my best.  Surprising things can happen and, regardless of outcomes, we grow as professionals.

Now in its 5th Year, the Digital Innovator Program recognizes top PreK-12 educators using digital technology and tools in the classroom.  The call for this year’s entries is officially open through midnight, February 13, 2017.  All teachers who enter will become part of the PBS Digital Innovators Community, and the 50 top applicants — one from each state — will become 2017 Digital Innovators.

Before you leave for the holiday break (or while you’re on it), we hope you’ll learn more about the program and the streamlined application process by visiting PBS LearningMedia’s Call for Classroom Changemakers.


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