The following post was written in collaboration with Jonathan Daly, WGBY intern and recent UMASS graduate:
With the school year at an end and temperatures climbing, what better time to celebrate the “dog days of summer” than with WGBY and the Springfield Museums? Since the expression “dog days of summer” refers to the sultry time of summer when Sirius, the Dog Star, rises with the sun — July 3 to August 11 — and WGBY Tuesdays run from July 10 – August 14, we’re pretty much on time!
As part of the Springfield Museums’ Summer Spectacular — which includes its special Clifford Exhibit — WGBY staff and summer interns will be in a cool spot
in the Science Museum to play PBS KIDS educational tablet games and offer summer activities for home. Naturally, Clifford the Big Red Dog will also be there to meet and greet children and families. In addition the Museums will offer presentations and read-alouds with different children’s authors each Tuesday, starting with the author of Too Much Glue, Jason Lefebvre. Click here for more details.