“My charge for the foreseeable future is to help my students feel something normal — to learn and grow and feel supported . . . My lessons will focus on three things: Clarity, Choice, and Engagement.”
This quotation by David Olson is from an April post he wrote for the PBS Teachers Lounge. He currently teaches AP U.S. Government and Politics, Criminal Justice, and Modern U.S. History and believes that many of his lessons are best accomplished with digital content.
In his post, Strategies to Build Engaging Digital Lessons for High School Students, he shares how he builds his lessons.
At PBS LearningMedia you’ll find thousands of digital content for PreK-12 as well as skillfully crafted lesson plans that you can search by grade, content, and standards.
When you check out the PBS Teachers Lounge, you’ll find the most recent as well as past posts and much more!