April is Autism Acceptance Month, and from autism to current events and much more, Sesame Street in Communities has a wealth of resources to support families!
Whether celebrating and supporting the uniqueness of every child or addressing difficult and tough times, parents and caregivers will discover intelligent resources for what matters most in young lives: health and wellness, social-emotional skills, and school readiness.
PBS LearningMedia offers Autism | Sesame Street in Communities for the parent or caregiver of a child with autism or for someone who knows a person with autism. At the Sesame Street in Communities home site, you can search for activities, games and videos — in English and Spanish –by age and explore sensitive, wide-ranging topics such as racial justice, parental addiction, grieving and much more.
How do we contact them to access materials on autism?
Hi Kathleen. Just click on the links in this post to access the resources.