PBS LearningMedia helps you celebrate Halloween with scare-free videos, activities, and lesson plans for grades PreK-5. You’ll also discover fun ways to incorporate learning into your Halloween activities, like conducting science investigations with slime, using math to share candy, and solving interactive, Halloween-themed puzzles.
For grades PreK-5 and 6-12
the Celebrating Fall Collection lets students can explore the autumn scene while learning math, literacy, and science. These fall-themed resources highlight ways to make traditional fall activities educational — like visiting apple orchards, going on nature hikes, and collecting colorful leaves. Creative ideas in videos, activities, and games can help to organize a fall festival (which can be used as an alternative to a Halloween celebration) and encourage students of all ages to develop an appreciation for the wonders of fall!
In addition to the PreK-5 Halloween Collection, you can search “Halloween” or “autumn” for more resources at PBS LearningMedia!