As Schools Match Wits’ Championship & Inclusivity

First, we want to share the exciting news that Longmeadow High School and Westfield High School academic teams will spar for the championship title this week on NEPM’s As Schools Match Wits (ASMW), airing on NEPM public television Saturday, May 28, at 7 p.m!

The production crew behind ASMW has worked diligently to  ensure that the program is accessible to all students who wish to participate, including those with disabilities.  Learn more in this wonderful article on the impact of As Schools Match Wits

A story about how we recently worked out a way for a visually impaired student from Gateway Regional to compete using braille punch cards in an episode that airs on May 7 was covered in this article in the Reminder.

ASMW also received a shout out from the Blind New World Facebook page for its efforts towards inclusivity.  While working in the past with students who have had physical and hearing impairments, this was a new challenge in making ASMW accessible to everyone!


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