PBS Kids Resources for Parents

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcTUitQ3WYgmlxRbDIO60Vl_Dr12h-Xqkh1rNR_6gKRPGjnHl38bResources to Share with Families of younger children:

  • PBS KIDS is launching a weekday newsletter during the COVID-19 emergency to share activities and tips families can use to keep children playing and learning at home.
  • The PBS KIDS 24/7 channel offers anytime access to trusted educational series for kids ages 2-8 (check local listings).
  • The PBS KIDS Games app offers nearly 200 educational games that can be downloaded for offline play anytime, anywhere. Learn more about these and PBS KIDS’ other apps HERE .
  • The PBS KIDS Video app is available on mobile, tablet and connected TV devices and offers on-demand educational videos, and a livestream of the PBS KIDS 24/7 channel. No subscription required.

Distance Learning with PBS LearningMedia

Register for this one-hour virtual event!

Teachers, do you want to hear how PBS Digital Innovator All Star educators support engaging, effective distance learning?

This virtual learning event, hosted by PBS master trainers and educators, will highlight a variety of tips, from student activities to digital tools and PBS LearningMedia hacks. Featuring insights applicable to elementary, middle and high-school classrooms, the session will focus on skills, tips, and techniques you can apply tomorrow to prepare for successful distance learning, whether you’re working with your students in person or sharing lessons online. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions in real time, all while testing virtual learning technologies and preparing lessons your students can do in a classroom or from their own living room.

This event is for educators of children of all ages.

You can prepare in advance by sharing your ideas and questions on twitter with the hashtag #PBSTeachersChat.
This is a highly participatory experience, and our goal is to provide tools and hacks to help you set up a digital classroom that works whether your learners are in the same room or a distance away.

You can also find additional relevant content on PBS TeachersLounge blog.

Oppression & Human Dignity: A Path Appears with Many Resources

Tonight at 10pm WGBY airs A Path Appears from the team behind the groundbreaking Half the Sky.  Independent Lens goes to locations throughout the United States as well as Colombia, Haiti, and Kenya to uncover the harshest forms of gender-based oppression and human rights violations, and solutions being implemented to combat them.  Just as the film tries to educate oppressors, high school students can also learn Continue reading

Thomas Edison — The Genius Who Created the Modern World

On Tuesday, January 27, at 9pm, WGBY airs Edison: American Experience from America’s most watched history program.  Driven, intensely competitive and never more at home than at work, Thomas Alva Edison held 1,093 patents and was nearly synonymous with invention.  At PBS LearningMedia you’ll find many preK-12 engaging resources on Continue reading

Odd Squad Special & Resource Collection

This SoundCheck from PBS KIDS Odd Squad is a great way to see the appeal of the new, math-based PBS KIDS program that engages Pre-K-3 learners with fun, imaginative content.  Along with a recent one-hour special and upcoming new episodes of the live-action series, PBS LearningMedia will showcase its new Odd Squad collection of resources daily.  Continue reading

Really — 100,000 Free PBS Resources and Counting!

PBSLM-100K[1]On Thursday, January 15, PBS LearningMedia reached the 100K mark for free educator/student resources.  For PreK-13+ lesson plans, video clips, interactives, pd and much more, PBS LearningMedia continues to be richly supplied with content from PBS  producers across the country and abroad as well as other respected sources such as NASA and the Library of Congress.  And we can’t just call these resources classroom content, since many can be used by students Continue reading

Word Girl’s Story Magic For Before & After the Holidays

Fighting crime with her superhero strength and colossal vocabulary, Word Girl is my hero.  Like all PBS KIDS programs, Word Girl offers fine teaching resources.  Among them, one of several lesson plans aligned to standards, Story Magic (grades 1-3), encourages the storyteller in each student — and children are likely to have a story or two over the holidays — while teaching the classic elements of the story form, Continue reading

College & Career Week

With most application deadlines in December or January, many students will be thinking about college applications and their futures during winter break.  In addition to tools to help high school students prepare, there are K-12 resources to expose students to fascinating careers such as an abundant collection from NOVA scienceNow, an Emmy-nominated web video series.  Continue reading